Cultivating enriching experiences for children and youth beyond the school day
What We Do
The New Mexico Out-of-School Time Network (NMOST) is a non-profit collaboration of public and private organizations and community members seeking to improve access to and quality of out-of-school extended learning programs – before and afterschool, summer learning, and youth development.
We Build
Community. By bringing together policymakers, educators, childcare providers, youth development workers, and other stakeholders.
We Advocate
for Out-of-School Time. By sharing maps, data, and testimonial success stories, NMOST raises public awareness and support.
We Influence
Policy. By raising public awareness , NMOST encourages agencies and policymakers to consider policies that support high-quality OST in NM.
We Provide
Resources. NMOST shares opportunities for professional development and a host of curricula, research, tools, and data to parents and programs.
Before school, afterschool, and
summer learning
“There is an urgent need to improve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills among U.S. students.”
Nearly 80% of future careers will require some STEM skills. A stimulating STEM education is essential for developing the basic analytical, problem-solving and critical thinking skills central to academic achievement and workforce readiness in the 21st century.
Schools can’t tackle this issue by themselves.
Children spend less than 20% of their waking hours in school. Afterschool programs offer both additional time and the opportunity to diversify the ways that students experience STEM learning.
Afterschool programs complement and supplement school-day learning and are well-positioned to engage and motivate participants. By offering innovative hands-on, project-based learning, STEM fields come alive for youth.

Upcoming Events
Advancing Young Women in STEM
The Advancing Young Women in STEM Initiative and webpage is designed to inspire the next generation of female innovators and leaders. The website compiles internships, OST programs, scholarships, summer programs, and volunteering opportunities related to STEM in the state of New Mexico. The site also includes relevant and recent STEM related news that showcase women in STEM.
Our sponsors