OST Mapping
NMOST undertook its mapping initiative in order to paint the picture of how state and federally-funded afterschool program sites intersect with important indicators related to the wellbeing of New Mexico children. The maps can and should be used by policymakers, program providers, state leaders, and the general public to gain a better understanding of where government funding is and is not supporting safe, enriching program spaces for children and youth to learn and grow between the end of the school day and the end of the work day.
Click HERE to view OST site locations utilizing “HB2” funding allocated by the State of New Mexico.
Open the Story Map here
Statewide Provider Maps
Story maps showing the site locations for the large scale out-of-school time providers in New Mexico overlayed with critical indicators of academic success. Click the images below to go to each map.
ABQ Kids' Cabinet
The Kids’ Cabinet, created in 2018 by Mayor Keller, is an appointed body composed of content experts, community partners, and agencies who work with City leadership to improve access and increase youth opportunities and outcomes across Albuquerque. Membership includes representatives from the public and private sector as well as the City of Albuquerque Police Department; Albuquerque Community Safety; Equity and Inclusion; Family and Community Services; Cultural Services; Parks and Recreation; Senior Affairs; and Transit.
In 2021, a report titled, “Mapping the Gap: Out-of-School Time Programming in the City of Albuquerque” was produced to identify where programming is available across the city. That report and more information about the Kids’ Cabinet may be found here:

The New Mexico Out-of-School Time Network (NMOST) is pleased to introduce our New Mexico OST STEM Crowd Source Map. This map is intended to be a resource for policymakers, potential funders and other decision makers seeking to understand where OST STEM programs are located in New Mexico. The map is configured to allow program and event administrators to add information about their program or activity to a map that can be used to locate STEM opportunities, and to show where there is a need for such opportunities in areas where they do not currently exist.
Please briefly review the tip sheet for navigating and/or participating in adding locations to the map and then put your out-of-school time STEM program or recurring event on the map!
If you run into difficulty, need something edited after submittal, or wish to report an inappropriate entry on the map, please contact Jeff McConaughy at jmcconaughy@nmost.org. NMOST would like to thank NM MESA (and especially Kim Scheerer) for helping with testing, providing feedback, and getting a strong, running start on populating the map with STEM program information.

The output from this project has been used in advocating for OST programs and funding and has been presented at multiple events. NMOST received national attention for the mapping project when the Afterschool Alliance published a guest blog by our Executive Director, May Sagbakken.