What’s New?

Read articles, stories, and news about OST  in New Mexico and across the country.

  • NMOST ED teams up with NM Lt. Governor Howie Morales on Op-Ed touting state funding for OST
    Read the piece entitled, “New Mexico Will See Big Progress for Afterschool and Summer Learning.”
  • Out-of-School Time Network Helps Bring Food, Childcare & Remote Learning to Families in Need – KSFR-FM: NMOST Executive Director May Sagbakken spoke with KSFR-FM Host/Producer MK Mendoza about NMOST’s efforts in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. Listen to the interview here
  • National Attention for NMOST’s Mapping Efforts: The Afterschool Alliance has published an “Afterschool Snack” blog entry about NMOST’s mapping project. “All children and youth deserve access to high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs that prepare them for school, college, careers, and life. While many students across the country are receiving valuable support from these programs, we know that the need for this type of programming far exceeds its availability….”


Support NMOST's efforts to increase access to and quality of OST in NM