Afterschool Policy Pulse

Welcome to the Afterschool Policy Pulse! Every second Friday at noon ET, our own Senior VP of Policy, Erik Peterson, will recap the latest policy developments, what we know (or don’t know!) about how they may impact afterschool and summer programs, and what may be coming up next. Submit your questions in advance so we […]

ACRES Coaching Resources Info Sessions

The ACRES project is thrilled to usher in an exciting new chapter. Starting in mid-March, we’ll be offering all of our STEM coaching materials for FREE—giving leaders like you the tools and resources to keep reflecting on the STEM lessons offered at your sites and within your programs. ACRES and its team of coaches have already […]

YEI Power Hour

Educator Power Hours are monthly, virtual, FREE professional development for educators. Our goal is to provide tools for the classroom that focus on entrepreneurship and life skill-building. Our Power Hours focus on a variety of topics including marketing, financial figuring, creativity, and so much more. Register  

Explora: Bubble Bubble (Virtual)

Explore the power of surface tension as you try out a variety of wands, build bubble sculptures, create bubble art, and observe colors in bubbles. Gain ideas on how to integrate literature and science. You'll immediately be able to use the ideas with your students! Register here *Virtual. Zoom link sent day before* Register by […]

Explora: Supporting English Learners in STEAM (In-Person)

Get practical strategies for supporting English learners in STEAM classrooms, focusing on language development while fostering deep engagement with content. Leave with lesson plans on space science you can implement immediately in your classroom! Register

Afterschool Policy Pulse

Welcome to the Afterschool Policy Pulse! Every second Friday at noon ET, our own Senior VP of Policy, Erik Peterson, will recap the latest policy developments, what we know (or don’t know!) about how they may impact afterschool and summer programs, and what may be coming up next. Submit your questions in advance so we […]

Explora: Adventures in Space (Virtual)

We’ll integrate literature as we explore space!  Use what you discover to make your constellation viewer and gravity well. Ideas you can immediately use with your students. Register here *Virtual. Zoom link sent day before* Register by May 2 for kit pick up or shipment for first 20 registrants. Logins and materials kits can be […]

ACRES Coaching Resources Info Sessions

The ACRES project is thrilled to usher in an exciting new chapter. Starting in mid-March, we’ll be offering all of our STEM coaching materials for FREE—giving leaders like you the tools and resources to keep reflecting on the STEM lessons offered at your sites and within your programs. ACRES and its team of coaches have already […]

Supporting Early Childhood STEAM Experiences through Play

Get ready to play! Join NGCP for this fun and interactive webinar to learn how to leverage an interdisciplinary STEAM approach to foster young children's curiosity through authentic play-based learning. Register

ACRES Coaching Resources Info Sessions

The ACRES project is thrilled to usher in an exciting new chapter. Starting in mid-March, we’ll be offering all of our STEM coaching materials for FREE—giving leaders like you the tools and resources to keep reflecting on the STEM lessons offered at your sites and within your programs. ACRES and its team of coaches have already […]