Summer Meals: Planning and Preparing for Summer 2025 (Virtual)

There may be snow on the ground but now is the perfect time to start planning for summer meals expansion. This webinar will provide a 101 on the Summer Nutrition Programs, including program requirements for both congregate and non-congregate models, as well as tips for getting started or growing your program.  Register

Cultivating Changemakers: A Panel Discussion on Youth Leadership

In celebration of Youth Leadership Month, we invite you to join us for “Cultivating Changemakers: A Panel Discussion on Youth Leadership”. This dynamic event will bring together inspiring young leaders, educators, and youth advocates to explore the critical role of youth in shaping their communities and the world. Through engaging dialogue and powerful stories, we […]

ACRES Monthly Math Taster Events: Fluency Math Games (Virtual)

ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to be offering monthly Math Tasters. Come engage in MMSA’s own fluency math games and activities that support students in learning math facts and becoming fluent in computation while having fun in the process! Register

STEM Pathways for Girls Monthly Workshop: Polymers, Plastics, and Sustainability

STEM Pathways For Girls Monthly Workshops: Calling all young women, non-binary, and non-gender conforming students in grades 5-8! Ignite your passion for STEM at our upcoming STEM Pathway for Girls Monthly Workshops. Join us for fun hands-on workshops, and incredible insights from women leading the way in science, technology, engineering, and math. About the Workshop:  We’re excited to announce […]

NSLA: Summer Planning Bootcamp Day 2

Summer Planning Bootcamp: Destination Summer Learning NSLA's free virtual Summer Planning Bootcamp is a live, virtual deep dive for program innovation and student success. Who Should Attend? Anyone who works with youth during the summer months or cares about summer learning. Leaders from schools, community-based programs, camps, libraries, outdoor education programs, and more. View Sponsorship Opportunities or Register as a sponsor to […]

NYLC: The Future of Leadership Starts Here (Virtual)

Join us for an exciting event on February 12 from 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM CST, as we unveil BIG updates that will shape the future of our work with youth, educators, and communities! For over four decades, NYLC has stood as the leading expert in service-learning in the United States. As we have witnessed […]

Afterschool Policy Pulse

Join us this Friday, February 14, for our first Afterschool Policy Pulse! Every second Friday at noon ET, our own Senior VP of Policy, Erik Peterson, will recap the latest policy developments, what we know (or don't know!) about how they may impact afterschool and summer programs, and what may be coming up next. Submit your questions in advance so we know what's top of […]

Explora: 3D Printing 101 (In-Person)

Excited about 3D printers but not sure where to start? Join us for 3D printing basics and how to print parts for Sphero robots. Take away ideas and activities you can immediately use with your students. Register Tuesday February 18, 2025 4 pm - 6 pm Explora 1701 Mountain Rd NW ABQ, NM 87104 Registration […]

Afterschool Webinar: Leveraging Youth Sports to Support Positive Youth Development

Physical activity has the power to unlock transformative benefits for young people—fostering connections with peers and caring mentors, improving mental health and mood, boosting academic performance, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Out-of-school time programs that incorporate sports are uniquely positioned to create supportive environments where youth can grow, thrive, and realize their full potential. We invite […]

NYLC: Youth as Solutions Peacemaking Q&A Session

Join us for an info session on the Youth as Solutions – Peacemaking Cohort! The Youth as Solutions – Peacemaking Cohort empowers young leaders in grades 6-12 to take action on issues of conflict resolution, community building, and building peace in their schools and communities. Leadership teams, alongside an adult mentor, will engage in a guided service-learning […]