Fighting Hunger through OST
The Problem:
Data shows that 1 in every 4 children throughout NM were food insecure prior to the COVID-19 pandemic – that’s approximately 130,000 children who were unsure where their next meal was coming from. In the wake of the pandemic, that number has increased to 1 in every 3 children. Breaks from school and out-of-school time present challenges for many families with low income who rely on meals provided at school. This is a serious issue – children require good nutrition for optimal growth and development, readiness to learn, and school performance.
What is NMOST doing?
NMOST is committed to expanding access to healthy meals after school to the 1 in 3 children who face food insecurity. We do so by conducting outreach in order to educate eligible programs about federal nutrition programs such as the At-Risk Meals Program. NMOST feels this is a necessary investment to improve the health and education outcomes of New Mexico's most vulnerable citizens.
NMOST Infographics
Centering Women: A Gendered Perspective to Ending Hunger & Food Insecurity
A Starting Guide for Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs Interested in Administering At-Risk Meals
Listen to NMOST's
How should we be rethinking hunger? This is a limited, New Mexico Out-of-School Time podcast about people who are making change in our food system. This collection of stories and view points finds Sophia Rose, former NMOST Meals VISTA, having critical conversations with guests from the nonprofit world that have a distinct approach to the issue of food insecurity. The goal is to meet people where they stand, facilitate a thought-provoking discussion for you to listen to (and weigh in on), and coordinate these local “knowledges” to fight for a better food system and future.